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It’s No Overnight Digital Success – Patience is Key to Having a Stellar IG Account

Sep 9, 2022

For those of you who are aiming at growing their Instagram account and brand, and expanding their business outreach, whether a startup or an already existing platform, you must know and be aware that this isn’t by any means an overnight thing, and most certainly it isn’t a one-month hit.

If you really care about your brand and building it from ground zero organically and not just for the sake of only acquiring fake followers and numbers, then you must also know that this is a long trip that needs ample patience and an awful lot of dedication, consistency and commitment.

Most importantly, you have to be in sync with IG’s ever-changing algorithm. In order for your account to be well treated by Instagram, you have to also use the latter’s features (reels, stories, stickers, etc.), fully, and additionally not position yourself as a spam by posting tons of posts a daily or weekly; meaning, you have to give IG back!

Even after you’ve covered all the basics and requisites, such as having an aesthetically beautiful and coherent grid, a great bio, an interesting content, excellent captions, etc. doesn’t mean your sales should be over the roof and your business up and running, of course not.The purpose of this article is not to teach you how to technically cultivate your IG page, but rather to highlight the patience and dedication needed to make it happen; though it is definitely worth noting that you need to post regularly and consistently, and post value.
Bottom line, when you assign your social media account management to professionals, always give 3-6 months of timeline to those people and let them do their jobs if you want to really reap outstanding results. Those people understand IG’s algorithm and know for a fact how all this works.

No IG account will ever strive without patience!

By: Our Copywriting Team

Digiwits • Digital, Creative & Copywriting Agency