Some of the facts and characteristics that show the importance of social media are as follows:
Above characteristics are crucially important for any business in today’s world. Communication level and engagement of clients go to different levels altogether when you are using this medium. Wondering why? Here is an example.
Compare a filter promoting new laundry detergent or brand new coffee shop, in your mail box with watching a video of the same promotion in your YouTube account. Which one seems more interesting?
Which one tends to gain your attention and consequentially lead you to buy that laundry detergent or visit that coffee house to see what they have to offer? Undoubtedly, it is the video. Lifeless flier lying in your mailbox can be easily tossed into garbage.
Social media with its viral videos, blogs and articles, has more than what could be called a healthy turnover of innovative Ideas that keep customers occupied and continue to grab their attention.
It is not strange for women, (men too, of course), to come across attention grabbing blog article on antique jewelry and by the time they reach the end of that article, they have made up their mind to buy it.
Conveniently provided in the body of the article or at the end of it or both there is a link to online jewelry store. Mission accomplished! Five minutes of reading something of their interest and customer is ready to purchase. That’s a one-liner, defining the power of social media in today’s marketplace.
From global giants like Microsoft, Apple, Amazon all the way down to little restaurants just around the corner and small locally owned businesses are using social media as platform to identify and reach out to their target audiences.
More and more e-marketers who are new to the field, are honing their skills to emerge as expert practitioners of social network marketing.
The entire advancement is targeted towards achieving social marketing objectives and achieving and improving that promised return on investment (ROI). In this pursuit, marketers are seen researching the medium and monitoring audiences to establish realistic objectives before formulating the strategy and implementing tools for accomplishing those objectives.
Power and importance of social media in today’s world is such that it has been included in the curriculum of almost any kind of school all over the globe.
Singapore is a perfect example of a country who recognizes the importance of technology which is seen in the growing number of universities in Singapore that are integrating studies of Social Media Marketing with their Executive Masters Programs. This transition’s goal is to help students meet the challenges of social media as well as how to benefit from this new medium of marketing and communication.
Professionals and business executives who seek to gain a profound understanding of brand management and Internet marketing can learn to leverage the power of social media for their businesses and organizations.